
Senior Employment Specialist Program

The Senior Employment Specialist Program (SESP) housed at the Quincy Senior & Family Resource Center provides information and referrals to various federal, state and local employment programs for the age 55 and over population.  Services include screening, written referral, assistance with resume, job search instruction, and current information on training.  Program staff are members of the local Illinois Employment & Training Center and they coordinate job search skills training workshops throughout the program year.

For an appointment you may call:

Senior Employment Specialist
217-223-7904 Ext. 116

Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. Authorized by the Older Americans Act, the program provides training for low-income, unemployed seniors. Participants also have access to employment assistance through American Job Centers.

For more about SESEP contact the National Able Quincy Office at 217-294-5003

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